Terms & Conditions
I agree to use the services of Pilates with Carrie to receive physical training through her in person classes, both indoors and outdoors. I intend to assume all risk of injury from my participation.
I acknowledge and agree to the following:
I am aware that Pilates with Carrie is here to serve me by sharing knowledge of exercise modalities. I recognise that exercise requires physical exertion, which may be strenuous and may cause physical injury, and I am fully aware of the risks and hazards involved
By my participation in any of these activities, I present to you that to my knowledge I am physically fit.
I know I have the right to choose what exercises I do or do not perform in addition to withdrawing from any exercises at any time.
I assume all of the risks and accept personal responsibilities for any damages or other injury I might suffer.
It is my responsibility to ascertain that there is no medical reason to prevent my participation.
I assume full risk for any injuries which I may incur and waive any claim that I might make at any time for injury of any sort against Pilates with Carrie or any person associated with it.
I acknowledge that Pilates with Carrie accepts no responsibility for any potential injuries as a result of practise outside of the studio space.
Pilates with Carrie accepts no responsible for any injuries you may experience as a result of your use of any material found on the company website.
If I am pregnant I understand that I participate fully at my own risk and that of my unborn child/children.
Refunds and Cancellations:
Classes are nonrefundable. In the unforeseen circumstance Pilates with Carrie cancels your class you will be offered a suitable alternative class.
Use of Data:
Pilates with Carrie will ask for your permission to contact you by email or sms text with information about classes, workshops and events. If you agree, you will be added to the mailing list. We do not use your details for any other purpose and you can opt out of the mailing list at any time.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are taking extra precautions with the intake of each client. Please answer truthfully so we may do our best to stop the spread and provide the safest environment possible for all clients. Symptoms of COVID-19 may include: Fever; Dry cough; Loss of smell or taste.
I agree to the following when engaging in any services from Pilates with Carrie:
I understand the description of the above symptoms and affirm that I, as well as all members of my household, do not currently have nor have experienced any symptoms associated with COVID-19 within the last 14 days.
I affirm that I, as well as all members of my household, have not been diagnosed with COVID-19.
I affirm that, to the best of my knowledge, I have not been in contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
I have not travelled outside of the United Kingdom in the last 14 days.
I have not travelled to, reside, or work in areas with local restrictions.
I am not shielding.
I am not immunocompromised.
I will follow the protocols and safety measures set out by Pilates with Carrie for attending in person classes. I will take care of myself by following the appropriate government guidance on measures such as hand washing and social distancing. I will also take care of my personal items and equipment, maintaining the cleanliness of my equipment by washing them in-between classes.
I will Inform Pilates with Carrie should I develop symptoms following attendance at an in person class.